Aislamiento y caracterización de un aislado autóctono de Beauveria sp. de los campos cubanos

The genus Beauveria comprises a cosmopolitan teleomorphic and anamorphic group of ento-mopathogenic fungi. The aim of this study was to characterize a new isolate of Beauveria spp. and compare it to the LBB-1 commercial strain. The isolate was collected from the ant Atta insularis and adults of the...


主要な著者: Machín Suárez, Alianna, del Pozo Núñez, Elio Minel, García Cruz, Irma, Héctor Ardisana, Eduardo Fidel, Domínguez, Yoannis, Guerrero-Morales, Sergio, Chávez Medina, Jesús Alicia, Escobedo Bonilla, César Marcial, Pèrez Àlvarez, Sandra
フォーマット: Online
出版事項: Universidad de Sonora 2022
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